+2  A: 

What if you include the "rsolberg" part of the path in your routing in global.asax?

Didn't really consider modifying the global.asax to include the "rsolberg" in the routing. Interesting idea...
+4  A: 

This can happen if the MVC handler is not processing your requests. Here are some things you can try:

  • Set your routes to include .aspx: {controller}.aspx/{action}/{id}

  • Find out if your Hosting server is on IIS7. If it is, make sure that the App Pool pipeline mode is set to integrated. With this, the handler configuration in your web.config will work without having to modify your routes.

Jose Basilio
Speaking with GoDaddy support now - NIGHTMARE! I think I'm IIS7 on Classic. Will look into Integrated.
This was a helpful answer to me as well--deploying mvc applications to an IIS 6.0 server within our company, but where I don't have permissions to tweak the file extension mappings. I added the .aspx extension to my RegisterRoutes method in Global.asax.cs, and "voila!" it works!
Ogre Psalm33