With CF8 and compatible:
<cffunction name="IsRtfFile" returntype="Boolean" output="false">
<cfargument name="FileName" type="String" />
<cfreturn Left(FileRead(Arguments.FileName),5) EQ '{\rtf' />
For earlier versions:
<cffunction name="IsRtfFile" returntype="Boolean" output="false">
<cfargument name="FileName" type="String" />
<cfset var FileData = 0 />
<cffile variable="FileData" action="read" file="#Arguments.FileName#" />
<cfreturn Left(FileData,5) EQ '{\rtf' />
Update: A better CF8/compatible answer. To avoid loading the whole file into memory, you can do the following to load just the first few characters:
<cffunction name="IsRtfFile" returntype="Boolean" output="false">
<cfargument name="FileName" type="String" />
<cfset var FileData = 0 />
<cfloop index="FileData" file="#Arguments.FileName#" characters="5">
<cfreturn FileData EQ '{\rtf' />
Based on the comments:
Here's a very quick way how you might do a generate "what format is this" type of function. Not perfect, but it gives you the idea...
<cffunction name="determineFileFormat" returntype="String" output="false"
hint="Determines format of file based on header of the file's data."
<cfargument name="FileName" type="String"/>
<cfset var FileData = 0 />
<cfset var CurFormat = 0 />
<cfset var MaxBytes = 8 />
<cfset var Formats =
{ WordNew : 'D0,CF,11,E0,A1,B1,1A,E1'
, WordBeta : '0E,11,FC,0D,D0,CF,11,E0'
, Rtf : '7B,5C,72,74,66' <!--- {\rtf --->
, Jpeg : 'FF,D8'
<cfloop index="FileData" file="#Arguments.FileName#" characters="#MaxBytes#">
<cfloop item="CurFormat" collection="#Formats#">
<cfif Left( FileData , ListLen(Formats[CurFormat]) ) EQ convertToText(Formats[CurFormat]) >
<cfreturn CurFormat />
<cfreturn "Unknown"/>
<cffunction name="convertToText" returntype="String" output="false">
<cfargument name="HexList" type="String" />
<cfset var Result = "" />
<cfset var CurItem = 0 />
<cfloop index="CurItem" list="#Arguments.HexList#">
<cfset Result &= Chr(InputBaseN(CurItem,16)) />
<cfreturn Result />
Of course, worth pointing out that all this wont work on 'headerless' formats, including many common text-based ones (CFM,CSS,JS,etc).