I'd like to produce sounds that would resemble audio from real instruments. The problem is that I have very little clue how to get that.
What I know this far from real instruments is that sounds they output are rarely clean. But how to produce such unclean sounds?
This far I've gotten to do this, it produces quite plain sound from which I'm not sure it's even using the alsa correctly.
import numpy
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from numpy.random import random_sample
from alsaaudio import PCM, PCM_NONBLOCK, PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE
pcm = PCM()#mode=PCM_NONBLOCK)
def sine_wave(x, freq=100):
sample = numpy.arange(x*4096, (x+1)*4096, dtype=numpy.float32)
sample *= numpy.pi * 2 / 44100
sample *= freq
return numpy.sin(sample)
for x in xrange(1000):
sample = sine_wave(x, 100)