



When using Team Build for Continuous Integration on a web application project the build fails with "/temp/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'MVC'). The csproj file for the project contains an AfterBuild Target in order to report issues with views when they fail after the build (MVC). The solution builds using MSBuild through VS and using the command line, however when using TFS Build server it errors out. Here's the AfterBuild Target being used below. I can get the solution to build using the Build server if I comment out the AspNetCompiler however that will disable any errors being reported with the views.

<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true'">
    <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp"  PhysicalPath="$(ProjectDir)\..\$(ProjectName)" />   </Target>   <ProjectExtensions>
      <FlavorProperties GUID="{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21}">
    </VisualStudio>   </ProjectExtensions>