



I can call a .m file in Matlab from Java and that works fine, but I want to retrieve the results from Matlab and display them in Java. How can I do this?

+1  A: 

There are many tutorials on how to do this.

Scottie T

Thank you for your help, I tried this code but it did not retrieve the result from matlab to java program

Please post your replies as a comment to the answer it refers to. This post is not an answer and StackOverflow does not print out its answers in threaded order like a forum.
Jason S
@Jason: I believe asmaa posted an answer because he doesn't have enough rep to comment yet. It's something I've been thinking I would bring up on uservoice: letting anyone post a comment on their own question or answers to their questions.
Never mind... newbies can already post comments on their own questions (and its answers) even if they have < 50 Rep. Most just don't know they can do it (I, for one, didn't!).