Hello, I'm looking for a variation on the #save method that will only save attributes that do not have errors attached to them. So a model can be updated without being valid overall, and this will still prevent saving invalid data to the database.
By "valid attributes", I mean those attributes that give nil when calling @model_instance.errors.on(:attribute)
Anyone have an idea of how to accomplish this?
So far, I have the following:
def save_valid_attributes
update_atrtibutes attributes.inject({}){|k, v, m| m[k] = v unless errors_on(k.to_sym); m}
This works if there's no processing done on assignment, which in my case there is. For example, I have a database column "start_date", and two methods defined:
def nice_start_date=(startdate)
self.start_date = Chronic.parse(startdate) || startdate
def nice_start_date
These two methods allow me to properly parse the user inputted dates using Chronic before saving. So, second way of doing this, one attribute at a time:
def save_valid_attributes(attrib)
attrib.each{|(k,v)| send("${k}=", v); save; reload)
The model needs to be reloaded each time since, if one of the dates is invalid and doesn't save, it will prevent all further attributes from saving.
Is there a better way to do this? I'm sure this isn't an uncommon problem in the Rails world, I just can't seem to find anything in the Google universe of knowledge.