



My goal: Similarly the Intellisense dropdown in Visual Studio 2008, when the user presses CTRL, I want the entire application to become 40% opaque. How can I do that?

I want to use the regular window chrome, so my WindowStyle cannot be "None".


+1  A: 

In WPF, Window.Opacity = 0.4. In WinForms, Form.Opacity = 40.

Do you use a special tool or setting that your VS gets transparent when pressing Ctrl? It doesn't work for me..

I think he means IntelliSense and other inline helps when editing source code which do get transparent when holding down Ctrl.
That also applies to tooltips, and possibly the exception helper too. Have fun trying to catch either of them in a screenshot, when ctrl makes them transparent and alt moves focus away so they disappear. :P
Johannes, thanks - I am referring to intellisense. I've edited my question to be more clear.
Gustavo Cavalcanti
eWolf, I've tried Window.Opacity but it didn't work: It sets the contents of the window to be transparent, but whatever is behind the application is still not visible.
Gustavo Cavalcanti
+2  A: 

For WPF, one possible solution is the custom GlassWindow found in the FluidKit library (CodePlex). In this solution, Window is subclassed and retemplated. Additional work is done to make sure minimize, maximize, and window movement work as expected. I think that there are other custom solutions out there that do similar things.

This is not a perfect solution for a number of reasons, so I am curious to see what others have tried or come up with.

Richard Davis
Richard, thanks! This is very helpful in case I need to go the BorderStyle=None route.
Gustavo Cavalcanti
I am accepting this as an answer since what I wanted is not possible and I actually ended up using GlassWindow.
Gustavo Cavalcanti