I use jQuery Validation plugin to ensure what user entered positive *cost_of_car* in first text field and positive *payment_amount* in second text field such what *cost_of_car * 0.4 <= payment_amount <= cost_of_car*:
$.validator.addMethod("testMaxAmount", function()
return $("#cost_of_car").val() - 0 >= $("#payment_amount").val() - 0;
}, "Can't be more than cost_of_car");
$.validator.addMethod("testMinAmount", function()
return $("#cost_of_car").val() * 0.4 <= $("#payment_amount").val() - 0;
}, "Can't be less than cost_of_car * 0.4");
required: true,
number: true,
min: 1,
max: 10000000
required: true,
number: true,
testMaxAmount: true,
testMinAmount: true
Now I want to skip testMaxAmount and testMinAmount checks until *cost_of_car* is valid. Testing
or even
$("#calc_form").validate({ignore: "#payment_amount"}).element("#cost_of_car")
inside these methods leads to the recursion and hangs browser.
Would you propose some other method to disable validation of *payment_amount* until *cost_of_car* is valid, please?