




i have a webapp which works perfectly when debugged and tested locally. However when I publish the site to a productionserver the routing is messed up. This is because it runs as a sub-project on the productionserver.

Testing:     http://localhost:xxx/
Production:  http://remotehost/webapp/

How should I setup routing?

This is my current routing setup (mostly default). The server displays the default Controller action when I visit http://remotehost/webapp/. But when I hard-code the controller (http://remotehost/webapp/Project/ it doesn't work...

Shared Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)

    routes.MapRoute("ProjectsByCategory", "Project/Category/{id}", _
                    New With {.controller = "Project", .action = "ListByCategory", .id = ""}, _
                    New With {.id = "^[0-9]+"})

    routes.MapRoute( _
        "Default", _
        "{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
        New With {.controller = "Project", .action = "Index", .id = ""} _

End Sub
+1  A: 

To me it sounds like it might be related to publishing on iis 6. There's an article here about that.

For me a similar problem was resolved by adding a 'Wildcard application map':

  • In IIS, right click and choose Properties for the virtual directory in question
  • choose Virtual directory tab
  • choose Configuration
  • click Insert
  • enter the path to aspnet-isapi.dll (typically c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll).
Ole Lynge
I had the application running as virtual directory, not application. And I also needed to add wildcard mapping for the rewriting of the urls. Thx

By the way, the routing seems to be working on application level. No need to bother your domainname or higher directory names.
