i'm scripting (as much as possible) a MOSS 2007 environment migration. i'm able to get most of it done using a batch file of STSADM commands, however, i'm unable to find an STSADM command to create a web application. Does one exist?
PowerShell may be a good alternative. I believe it will replace stsadm in the next version of SharePoint. Here's a good blog post with several PowerShell for SharePoint links: http://masteringsharepoint.com/blogs/bobmixon/archive/2008/08/15/powershell-and-sharepoint.aspx.
Kirk Liemohn
2009-04-29 15:48:13
extendvs extends an existing web application, or creates a new web application if the web application does not exist.
I use this operation in my build scripts to create my web applications.
stsadm.exe -o extendvs -url %urlintranet% -ownerlogin %actintranet% -owneremail %intranetowner% -exclusivelyusentlm -databasename %dbcintranet% -donotcreatesite -apcreatenew -apidname %apintranet% -apidtype configurableid -apidlogin %actapintranet% -apidpwd %pwdapintranet% -description %intranetdesc%
To create your site collection, use stsadm -o createsite
2009-04-29 17:08:18
i like the idea of PowerShell, however, i think this is exactly what i was looking for. thank you!
Robert Sweeney
2009-04-29 22:41:10