Hi, I have a CSV string that is embedded within an XML document, which is necessary for a flash chart which uses XML. The problem is that the chart gets the settings from the HTML file through a javascript snippet, like so:
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject("/gr/amstock.swf", "line", "100%", "100%", "8", "#FFFFFF");
//so.addVariable("path", "../amline/");
so.addVariable("chart_settings", escape('<settings><number_format><thousands_separator></thousands_separator><decimals_separator><![CDATA[.]]></decimals_separator></number_format><number_format><thousands_separator></thousands_separator><decimals_separator><![CDATA[.]]></decimals_separator></number_format><redraw><![CDATA[true]]></redraw><data_sets><data_set did="0"><color><![CDATA[#00688B]]></color><csv><separator><![CDATA[,]]></separator><date_format><![CDATA[MM/DD/YYYY]]></date_format><data><![CDATA[03/29/09,0
So, evidently the newlines break the javascript (which is being echoed by a PHP variable). Is there anyway to remove the newlines (or at least stop the newlines breaking the javascript) and yet still get the flash chart to correctly read it as a CSV file.
thanks in advance.