I created my own build.xml which got:
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="build"/>
<javac destdir="build">
<src path="src"/>
<target name="build" depends="compile">
<mkdir dir="dist"/>
<jar destfile="dist/app.jar" basedir="build" />
<target name="run" depends="compile">
<java classname="webserver.Loader" classpath="build" fork="true" />
It works great. When I call ant run so it compiles and runs my application, but my application got a package with icons and it isn't moved to a folder "build" so my application ends with an exception that it couldn't locate my icons. When I move them by myself so it works.
I tried to use
<copy todir="build/app/icons">
<fileset dir="src/app/icons"/>
It works, but I would like to do it without the copy command. Is there any parameter to javac? or something else?
Thank you for answer.