I encounter a totally strange behavior of the Java compiler.
I can't cast a supertype to a subtype when cyclic generic type
relation is involved.
JUnit test case to reproduce the problem:
public class _SupertypeGenericTest {
interface ISpace<S extends ISpace<S, A>, A extends IAtom<S, A>> {
interface IAtom<S extends ISpace<S, A>, A extends IAtom<S, A>> {
static class Space
implements ISpace<Space, Atom> {
static class Atom
implements IAtom<Space, Atom> {
public void test() {
ISpace<?, ?> spaceSupertype = new Space();
IAtom<?, ?> atomSupertype = new Atom();
Space space = (Space) spaceSupertype; // cast error
Atom atom = (Atom) atomSupertype; // cast error
Compiler error output:
_SupertypeGenericTest.java:33: inconvertible types
found : pinetag.data._SupertypeGenericTest.ISpace<capture#341 of ?,capture#820 of ?>
required: pinetag.data._SupertypeGenericTest.Space
Space space = (Space) spaceSupertype;
_SupertypeGenericTest.java:34: inconvertible types
found : pinetag.data._SupertypeGenericTest.IAtom<capture#94 of ?,capture#48 of ?>
required: pinetag.data._SupertypeGenericTest.Atom
Atom atom = (Atom) atomSupertype;
2 errors
Note: I'm using Netbeans latest trunk, bundled Ant, latest Java 6 release.
I tried using Ant from command line (Netbeans generates a build.xml file)
but it results in same errors.
What is wrong?
Is there an elegant way solve the problem?
The strange thing is: Netbeans doesn't mark errors (not even warnings) in given code.
No, now I understand nothing!
Eclipse 3.4.1 doesn't mark neither warnings nor errors, and compiles
the code without trouble!!!
How can this be? I thought, using Ant from command line along with
build.xml provided by Netbeans' would be neutral.
Am I missing something?
Using JDK7 library and JDK7 code format, netbeans compiles without
(I'm using 1.7.0-ea-b55)
Changed title to indicate that we're dealing with a javac bug.