+1  A: 

Your red arrows imply that a product could not have any rows in IngredientProperties unless the product had at least one matching row in ProductProperties. Does it make sense that a product's ingredients can't have a density until the product has a density? This restriction does not exist with only the "black arrow" FKs.

(Does it even make sense to repeat the properties for each product? Does the density, opacity or price of ingredient A1 vary depending on which product it's incorporated into?)

The FK from IngredientProperties to Ingredients makes sense, but it should be a single aggregate key, not two separate FKs, which implies that the PK on Ingredients should also be an aggregate key, and the same applies to ProductProperties.


Thanks for the update. As I implied earlier, adding Foreign Keys to match the red/green arrows in your diagram will create constraints within the database that do not currently exist, which in turn could break existing code that uses the database if it, e.g., inserts into ProductProperties before inserting ingredients.

By using an aggregate key, you are basically saying that only one (ProdID, IngredientID) can exist in the Ingredients table. It looks like that's already being done. If the circled header items indicate indexes, then the data is already well-indexed.

I suspect that the "top" red arrow is incorrect, actually. There are two PropertyKey rows, but I don't think they represent the same thing, since there's a separate PropertyValue in each table. One pair represents properties of products, the other properties of ingredients, so linking them together will just cause confusion.

I'm still not 100% sure what you're looking for, but here are my recommendations:

  1. Set up (or keep) PKs/indexes on each table as represented by the circled header items.
  2. Set up FKs to match the black arrows from Ingredients and PropductProperties.
  3. Set up FKs to match the green arrows.

The indexes are all that's needed for efficient join queries between tables. The foreign keys serve to maintain "referential integrity." For example, they prevent you from inserting properties for an ingredient that doesn't exist.

There are several things you could do to normalize this database as well, but I would not change it unless you have specific problems that need to be fixed.

Tim Sylvester
There is no documentation on the database design and no vendor support. Also there are no relationships between the tables, at least not defined as foreign keys. All the arrows are based on matching data in the tables.
- The black arrows are the only one used at this time, and were defined by me.- Each product can have different properties, and different ingredients. Each product property must be present also for each ingredient. And sadly the ingredient properties varies by time, so for two products the same ingredient can have different values for the same property, like density.
I could use an aggregate key (IdProduct + PropertyKey) between ProductProperties and IngredientProperties (red arrows), drop the IdProduct relation between Products and IngredientProperties (black arrow), and also use an aggregate key (IdProduct + IdIngredient) between IngredientProperties and Ingredients (green arrows), but I have a strange feeling about this.
The tables are exactly as presented in the image, but I'll be more than happy the change the design if it would make more sense.
I will try it tomorrow, thank you.
+1  A: 

It looks like you have an Entity-Attribute-Value design in your IngredientProperties table. These kinds of designs can be downright dangerous if you're not ludicrously meticulous when creating your constraints. From what you've told about the problem at hand so far, you are free to change the schema, and you haven't specified a need to support arbitrary properties.

If the list of properties is, indeed, pre-defined and will rarely change, I would turn them into columns, for a schema that would look something like this, taking some liberties with style:

CREATE TABLE Ingredients(
 SerialNum varchar(15) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
 Opacity int,
 Density int

CREATE TABLE Ingredients(
 ProductID int NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Products (ProductID),
 SerialNum varchar(15) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
 Price money NOT NULL,
 Opacity int,
 Density int

This does not, of course, answer your question directly. Instead, it makes the problem go away. If the assumptions outlined above are correct, this should meet your needs, and be much more pleasant to work with.

The source tables are out of my hands, but I could define a different schema for the destination tables. I must check with the users if the list of properties can be frozen.