I have a s/w design question. Say I have a windows form with some elements and I have a customer object. A customer can either be business, private or corporate for example.
Now, all the decisions of what is going to happen in the form will depend on the customer type. For instance, certain elements will be hidden, certain label text will be different, etc...events will respond differently.
Obviously, one way to code this will be to use CASE statement each time the decision needs to be made. Another way would be to have a Customer class and 3 other classed such as BusinessCustomer, PrivateCustomer and CorporateCustomer inherit from the base class. In the latter, a question then arises: how are you going to incorporate a windows from into it....
Please share your elegance, much thanks in advance.
EDITED: I just has an idea: can i embed forms within forms? My reqs don't dictate two windows being shown at once, so I dont have to use MDI. But to simplify my design based on some ppl's comments here, i would like to maintain 3 different customer forms, and embed inside the main form on the fly. That way three GUIs are separated and I won't have to deal with every control's visibility.
Now, anyone here had any experience with this? I am assuming I can just add a form to another form, such as this:
Form child_form = new Form();