Consider this string
hello awesome <a href="" rel="external" title="so awesome is cool"> stuff stuff
What regex could I use to match any occurence of awesome
which doesn't appear within the title attribute of the anchor?
So far, this is what I've came up with (it doesn't work sadly)
I took Alan M's advice and used a regex to capture every word and send it to a callback. Thanks Alan M for your advice. Here is my final code.
$plantDetails = end($this->_model->getPlantById($plantId));
$botany = new Botany_Model();
$this->_botanyWords = $botany->getArray();
foreach($plantDetails as $key=>$detail) {
$detail = preg_replace_callback('/\b[a-z]+\b/iU', array($this, '_processBotanyWords'), $detail);
$plantDetails[$key] = $detail;
And the _processBotanyWords()...
private function _processBotanyWords($match) {
$botanyWords = $this->_botanyWords;
$word = $match[0];
if (array_key_exists($word, $botanyWords)) {
return '<a href="' . PATH_BASE . 'articles/botany-words/#botany-word-' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($word)) . '" title="' . trim($botanyWords[$word]) . '">' . $word . '</a>';
} else {
return $word;
Hope this well help someone else some day! Thanks again for all your answers.