



In my application i use this structure:

Controller -> Services -> Repositories

I create repositories + filters as dal layer. But i place validation methods (for required fields for example) in service layer. Is this correct? Or better will be if i replace validation in repository layer?

And second question. In this architecture services can operate with many repositories. Will be a good to allow services operate with other services or only i need to operate with repositories ?

+1  A: 

There's a very good tutorial on validation within MVC here...

You should take a look.

Martin Peck
Yeah, thanks i read this. I create Service layer validation, but now I have an idea to replace validation for business objects itself, and I don't know shoud i do that or not ? I don't know what is better 1) objects have to validate themselves or 2) Another layer have to validate objects.
Maksim Kondratyuk
In we have 1 variant - Page.Validate(), in this case easy to create cascading validation in heavy objects.
Maksim Kondratyuk
+1  A: 

There are a couple of libraries out there that can help you with validation.

The first (which I personally use) is FluentValidation that allows you to create validators for your model objects. It can be found at

There's another library out there specifically for ASP.NET MVC applications that provides both server-side and client-side validation called xVal.

I usually setup my projects the way you have mentioned and most of my logic and/or validation happens in the service layer and the repository layer is simply for queries.

Chad Moran