How do I get the absolute x,y coordinates for an HTML element on a page that may exist within a iFrame. The page is sometimes called on its own and sometimes is called from within an iFrame.
This is the function that I wrote to figure out the x,y position based on the offsetLeft and offsetTop of the element and the offseParent.
function getXY(obj)
var curObj = obj;
var curLeft = curTop = 0;
curLeft += curObj.offsetLeft
curTop += curObj.offsetTop;
while (curObj.offsetParent != null)
curObj = curObj.offsetParent;
curLeft += curObj.offsetLeft
curTop += curObj.offsetTop;
obj.x = curLeft;
obj.y = curTop;
This works great if the page is the top, but the problem is that if the page is run from within an iFrame I do not know the offset of the iFrame on the page.
Is there a way to get the exact, absolutes coordinates regardless of whether the page is in an iFrame or not?
Thank you.