I'm still not clear on the purpose of annotations in Java. Initially I thought they just served as documentation. But looking at this documentation from Google App Engine Datastore, I'm not so sure. @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION) looks more like a method signature.
What's the purpose of this type of annotation? What does it do?
import java.util.Date;
import javax.jdo.annotations.IdGeneratorStrategy;
import javax.jdo.annotations.IdentityType;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable;
import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent;
import javax.jdo.annotations.PrimaryKey;
@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
public class Employee {
@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Date hireDate;
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, Date hireDate) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.hireDate = hireDate;
// Accessors for the fields. JDO doesn't use these, but your application does.
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
// ... other accessors...