Background, Part 1 I have a form that collects both frequency and duration from the user. We set both the frequency and the duration in seconds, but, to the user, they are always presented as days or weeks. For example, the user sees "every other day", but the value set on the option is '172800' as that is the number of seconds in 2 days.
Background, Part 2 I'm working on an app that we want the user to have an invite code in order to be able to use. So, as part of signing up, the user has to enter an invite code that is connected to a specific email address.
Background, Part 3 I'm a newbie to RoR and am working on someone else's code. I'm about 10 chapters into the 3rd edition of "Agile Web Development with Rails". The person that wrote this isn't available for me to ask them questions until sometime next week and I'd like to solve this before then. If I don't get a resolution before then, I'll post the answer back here once I get it.
Problem When the user submits the form with everything matching except for the invite code and email address, the form returns and the frequency and duration are not re-populated. Now, I know why this is happening. I just don't know how to fix it. Let's dig in to some code, shall we?
Here's the RoR code to create the duration and frequency select form fields:
<%= frequency_select c, :frequency %>
<%= duration_select c, :duration %>
Here's the details on "frequency_select"
def frequency_select(f, method)
options = [["day",], ["other day", 2.days], ["week", 1.week]] method, options, :include_blank => true
Here're the details on "duration_select"
def duration_select(f, method, unit="day" )
values, units = *case unit
when "day" : [[[5, 5], [15, 15], [30, 29]], "days"]
when "other day" : [[[15, 15], [30, 29], [45,45]], "days"]
when "week" : [[[4, 29], [6, 43], [8, 57]], "weeks"]
end method, {|(label, i)| ["#{label} #{units}", i.days]}, :include_blank => true
Now, the fun part. Here's the code for ":frequency"
def frequency(unit=:days)
seconds = super
convert_seconds_to_units(seconds, unit)
(Wait for it.)
And here's the code for ":duration"
def duration(unit=:days)
seconds = super
convert_seconds_to_units(seconds, unit)
The reason the duration and frequency fields aren't re-populating is because the check to match the invite code and email address is happening after the frequency and duration are converted to days.
See, if the form has other errors in addition to the email and invite code not matching, the conversion from seconds to days doesn't happen. But, if everything else checks out, the conversion happens and then the invite code and email address are compared. If there's an error, the data goes back to the browser, but the duration and frequency values are now in days and do not match the values (in seconds) of the duration and frequency in the HTML form.
So, my question is -- and I imagine it's complete newbie question -- how do you hold off on converting the frequency and duration values until after the invite code and email address have been matched.
Lemme know if you need to see more code. I tried to provide everything you would need without overwhelming you. Though, if I missed anything just let me know.
Thanks! Rick