You only need setsecurity if you have custom assemblies.
You are right the sample code does not work, but it needs a small change.
let me know if this code change for CaspolSecurityPolicyCreator will fix it. (else need to compare my originals and find out what the difference is)
internal static void AddSecurityPolicy(
bool machinePolicyLevel,
string solutionCodeGroupName,
string solutionCodeGroupDescription,
string assemblyPath,
string assemblyCodeGroupName,
string assemblyCodeGroupDescription)
string frameworkFolder = GetFrameworkFolder();
string solutionInstallationLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath);
string solutionInstallationUrl = Path.Combine(solutionInstallationLocation, "*");
string policyLevel;
string parentCodeGroup;
if (machinePolicyLevel)
policyLevel = "-m"; // Use Machine-level policy.
parentCodeGroup = "My_Computer_Zone"; // Use My_Computer_Zone for assemblies installed on the computer.
policyLevel = "-u"; // Use User-level policy.
parentCodeGroup = "All_Code";
// Add the solution code group. Grant no permission at this level.
string arguments = policyLevel + " -q -ag " + parentCodeGroup + " -url \"" + solutionInstallationUrl + "\" Nothing -n \"" + solutionCodeGroupName + "\" -d \"" + solutionCodeGroupDescription + "\"";
RunCaspolCommand(frameworkFolder, arguments);
catch (Exception ex)
string error = String.Format("Cannot create the security code group '{0}'.", solutionCodeGroupName);
throw new Exception(error, ex);
// Add the assembly code group. Grant FullTrust permissions to the main assembly.
// Use the assembly strong name as the membership condition.
// Ensure that the assembly is strong-named to give it full trust.
//AssemblyName assemblyName = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath).GetName();
//arguments = policyLevel + " -q -ag \"" + solutionCodeGroupName + "\" -strong -file \"" + assemblyPath + "\" \"" + assemblyName.Name + "\" \"" + assemblyName.Version.ToString(4) + "\" FullTrust -n \"" + assemblyCodeGroupName + "\" -d \"" + assemblyCodeGroupDescription + "\"";
//RunCaspolCommand(frameworkFolder, arguments);
//TODO- MS Hardcoded for now (better at assembly dll level use todo 1)
arguments = policyLevel + " -q -ag \"" + solutionCodeGroupName + "\" -url \"" + solutionInstallationUrl + "\" FullTrust -n \"" + assemblyCodeGroupName + "\" -d \"" + assemblyCodeGroupDescription + "\"";
RunCaspolCommand(frameworkFolder, arguments);
//TODO: 1 code below will create a separate group per assembly path, also need to check if AcnUI assembly is installed in GAC.
//AddFullTrust(frameworkFolder, assemblyPath, policyLevel, solutionCodeGroupName, assemblyCodeGroupName, assemblyCodeGroupDescription);
catch (Exception ex)
// Clean the solutionCodeGroupName.
RemoveSecurityPolicy(machinePolicyLevel, solutionCodeGroupName);
catch {}
string error = String.Format("Cannot create the security code group '{0}'.", assemblyCodeGroupName);
throw new Exception(error, ex);
internal static void RemoveSecurityPolicy(
bool machinePolicyLevel,
string solutionCodeGroupName)
string frameworkFolder = GetFrameworkFolder();
string policyLevel;
if (machinePolicyLevel)
policyLevel = "-m"; // Use Machine-level policy.
policyLevel = "-u"; // Use User-level policy.
string arguments = policyLevel + " -q -rg \"" + solutionCodeGroupName + "\"";
RunCaspolCommand(frameworkFolder, arguments);
private static string GetFrameworkFolder()
// Get the targeted Framework folder.
Version version = new Version(2, 0, 50727);
return GetRuntimeInstallationDirectory(version, true);