




I just read in some Liferay documentation that IBM's Jikes (java) compiler is faster and more descriptive with compile time errors.

I would like to know whether the community agrees, and whether the switch makes any noticeable improvement in your productivity.

+1  A: 

If you are using ants as build system, you can easily switch between Jikes and javac; and then I'd suggest you to try jikes - it's really amazing fast.

Otherwise, you should really consider again because it's not always compatible with your version of JDK and may create extra issue.

"ant", not "ants"
Jason S
+4  A: 

Jikes was very compelling in the JDK 1.3 days when the javac compiler was awe-inspiringly slow. In comparison, jikes was blindingly fast. Increasingly, however, the speed improvement is becoming less noticeable, to the point where I personally wouldn't bother any more.


It's worthing noting that the JDK7 compiler has some improvements in the descriptiveness of errors.

Tom Hawtin - tackline
+3  A: 

Jikes does not support the new Java 5 things, so it is not an option for projects using these facilities.

The best alternative to javac these days is in my opinion the Eclipse compiler which is available in a stand-alone version. Speed (which is jikes primary force) is less an issue these days.

EDIT: Jikes support "incremental compiling" which may be very interesting in environments where development with a full-size IDE is not an option.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen