



I'm looking for a modern java threading book. I've quite enjoyed reading Taming Java Threads by Allen Holub, but it's a little old now. That was 8 years ago.

I want the knowledge develop concurrent and industry standard multi-threading applications.

Suggestions? Or even online resources?

+20  A: 

Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, et al.

This books will go into the java.util.concurrent package which was introduced in Java 5, which is the "new" way of doing concurrency in the Java language.

And I should add, the et al. part includes people who were personally involved in getting the concurrency utilities out in Java 5. The About the Authors page includes the list of authors and their impressive backgrounds.

And, The Java Tutorials has a section on Lesson: Concurrency which covers topics from Threads up to the java.util.concurrent features as well.

Excellent book. I will recommend it even for non-java developers, like myself :)
Dani van der Meer
Definitely Java Concurrency in Practice.
Stephen Denne
I'm reading Java Concurrency in Practice, even the introduction is good! :) Thanks.
JCIP is a much more accessible book that Doug Lea's book even though Doug Lea wrote most of the new concurrency features in Java 5.
Excellent read!
Probably the best java book I've ever read!

Well, it is not a direct answer to your question but if you are really into concurrent business clojure could be interesting for you.

Norbert Hartl
Thanks, great link!
+1  A: 

Java Threads book is pretty good too, although not as fresh as Java Concurrency in Practice. JCiP is a must read today.

Peter Štibraný
+3  A: 

You can find some reading recommendations at the end of the Java Concurrency tutorial:

I'd advocate for the 1st one as the 2nd has already been recommended:

Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Pattern (2nd Edition) by Doug Lea. A comprehensive work by a leading expert, who's also the architect of the Java platform's concurrency framework.

Doug Lea is well known in the java community about concurrency topics, he is an expert. Fetch his book!

Valentin Jacquemin
+1 great list of books
Peter Štibraný
+1  A: 

Must read "Java Concurrency in Practice" by Brian Goetz.

+1  A: 

You might find it quite useful to study the kinds of implementations you can create with immutable objects.

For example Chris Okasaki's book "Purely Functional Data Structures" or his thesis (PDF)

Stephen Denne
+1  A: 

Firstly, as above, you must read Goetz.

But if it is just a summary you want want it is worth considering Josh Bloch's Effective Java (you may have this book already) - he has a few points on concurrency which sum up very nicely the most important points.
