How can I store a directory name in a variable inside batch file??
set dirname=c:/some/folder
echo %dirname%
REM retrieve the last letter of the folder
REM and save it in another variable
set lastLetter=%dirname:~-1%
echo %lastLetter%
2009-05-01 16:32:04
What am I replacing for some/folder exactly????
2009-05-01 16:38:36
Whatever folder name you want to store!
2009-05-01 16:40:46
The name of the directory that you want to store?
2009-05-01 16:41:14
Tks... Another question that I have is that let say I have "dirname" now. Is there a way that I can get the last letter of this???
2009-05-01 16:43:19
Updated my answer with an example of retrieving the last letter. HTH.
2009-05-01 16:54:47
Substring is possible in batch: take a look for example at this reference
Valentin Jacquemin
2009-05-01 16:57:16
@Valentin Jacquemin: That's exactly what my example does!
2009-05-01 17:24:22
To return the directory where the batch file is stored use %~dp0
%0 is the full path of the batch file,
set src= %~dp0
echo %src%
I've used this one when I expect certain files relative to my batch file.
Jeff Hall
2009-05-01 16:43:23
Without more precisions it's difficult to help you...
Maybe you want the current directory?
set name=%CD%
echo %name%
Valentin Jacquemin
2009-05-01 16:47:34
Use the set command.
rem Assign the folder "C:\Folder1\Folder2" to the variable "MySavedFolder"
set MySavedFolder=C:\Folder1\Folder2
rem Run the program "MyProgram.exe" that is located in Folder2
rem Run the program "My Second Program.exe" that is located in Folder 2 (note spaces in filename)
"%MySavedFolder%\My Second Program.exe"
rem Quotes are required to stop the spaces from being command-line delimiters, but the command interpreter (cmd.exe) will still substitute the value of the variable.
To remove the variable, assign nothing to the name:
set MySavedFolder=
Since you are inside a batch file, I suggest surrounding your variable usage with setlocal and endlocal at the end of the file; this makes your environment variables local to the batch file and doesn't pollute the global environment namespace.
Jay Michaud
2009-05-01 16:49:04