I already know the obvious answer to this question: "just download <insert favorite windows grep or grep-like tool here>". However, I work in an environment with strict controls by the local IT staff as to what we're allowed to have on our computers. Suffice it to say: I have access to Perl on Windows XP. Here's a quick Perl script I came up with that does what I want, but I haven't figured up how to set up a batch file such that I can either pipe a command output into it, or pass a file (or list of files?) as an argument after the "expression to grep":
perl -n -e "print $_ if (m![expression]!);" [filename]
How do I write a batch script that I can do something like, for example:
dir | grep.bat mypattern grep.bat mypattern myfile.txt
EDIT: Even though I marked another "answer", I wanted to give kudos to Ray Hayes answer, as it is really the "Windows Way" to do it, even if another answer is technically closer to what I wanted.