I have a table that has 4 sets of 25 columns in a BIT concept. Actually field is smallint but it is either 0 or 1 in it's data.
Here is my code that is an attempt to get the total for the first group of 25 cols.
Declare @rows int
, @ID uniqueidentifier
, @LocTotal bigint
select @rows = ( select count(*) from #t1 )
while @rows > 0
print @rows
-- get that rowID
select @ID = (select top 1 recid from #t1)
select @LocTotal =
(select top 1
case when cbHPILoc1 = 1 then 1 else 0 end +
case when cbHPILoc2 = 1 then 2 else 0 end +
case when cbHPILoc3 = 1 then 4 else 0 end +
< snip >
case when cbHPILoc25 = 1 then 16777216 else 0 end
as Total
from dbo.MyTest_BitMap
where RecKey = @ID
print @ID
print @LocTotal
My output:
(5 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
I fail to get the Total to @LocTotal