I have been making a little toy web application in C# along the lines of Rob Connery's Asp.net MVC storefront.
I find that I have a repository interface, call it IFooRepository, with methods, say
IQueryable<Foo> GetFoo();
void PersistFoo(Foo foo);
And I have three implementations of this: ISqlFooRepository, IFileFooRepostory, and IMockFooRepository.
I also have some test cases. What I would like to do, and haven't worked out how to do yet, is to run the same test cases against each of these three implementations, and have a green tick for each test pass on each interface type.
Public void GetFoo_NotNull_Test()
IFooRepository repository = GetRepository();
var results = repository. GetFoo();
I want this test method to be run three times, with some variation in the environment that allows it to get three different kinds of repository. At present I have three cut-and-pasted test classes that differ only in the implementation of the private helper method IFooRepository GetRepository(); Obviously, this is smelly.
However, I cannot just remove duplication by consolidating the cut and pasted methods, since they need to be present, public and marked as test for the test to run.
I am using the Microsoft testing framework, and would prefer to stay with it if I can. But a suggestion of how to do this in, say, MBUnit would also be of some interest.