Does the IFRAME's onload event fire when the HTML has fully downloaded, or only when all dependent elements load as well? (css/js/img)
The latter: <body onload=
fires only when all dependent elements (css/js/img) have been load as well.
If you want to run JavaScript code when the HTML has been loaded, do this at the end of your HTML:
<script>alert('HTML loaded.')</script></body></html>
Here is a relevant e-mail thread about the difference between load and ready (jQuery supports both).
2009-05-02 17:35:16
Just when the html loads, not the dependent elements. (or so I think).
To fire when the rest of the page loads do jQuery(window).load(function(){ or window.onload not document onready.
You can also check to see if an image element is loaded and there... if image . load-- etc.
2009-05-02 17:37:01