



Hi experts,

I am trying to connect to an Yahoo Messenger account and send PMs using PHP or CURL. I downloaded the below class from which connects to eBuddy Web Messenger( to send messages to the desired IM The original code was not working, so I made some changes(the original statements are commented out), still no luck.

I would really appreciate it if someone helped me figure out where I am going wrong here.



class My_Yahoo_Messenger {

    * Server host
    * @access private
    var $serverHost = '';

    * Login user name
    * @access private
    var $username = null;

    * Login session
    * @access private
    var $_cookie = null;

    *Connection handle
    * @access private
    var $fp_handle = null;

    * Construct
    * username: String Yahoo account user name
    * password: String Yahoo account password
    * login status: Boolean true from visible
    * @access public
    function __construct($username, $password, $inv = false)
     $this->login($username, $password, $inv);

    * Construct PHP 4
    * username: String Yahoo account user name
    * password: String Yahoo account password
    * login status: Boolean true from visible
    * @access public
    function My_Yahoo_Messenger($username, $password, $inv = false)
     $this->__construct($username, $password, $inv);

    * Function provide login to yahoo account
    * username: String Yahoo account user name
    * password: String Yahoo account password
    * login status: Boolean true from visible
    *@return: String cookie data
    * @access public
    function login($username, $password, $inv = false)
     $inv = $inv === false ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE';
     $username = urlencode($username);
     $password = urlencode($password);

     $content = "password=$password&network=yahoo&initial=FALSE&login_network=yahoo&username=$username&pwd=&init_status=$inv";

     //$this->_createConnection('POST', '/vo074922/login.jsp', '', "yahoo_uname=$username; Emessenger=yahoo; network=YAHOO;", $content, false);

     $this->_createConnection('POST', '/vo7.3.11/start.html', '', "yahoo_uname=$username; Emessenger=yahoo; network=YAHOO;", $content, false);

     $headers = array();
     $content = '';

     $atStart = true;
        $atHeader= true;
     while (!feof($this->fp_handle)) {
            $line = fgets($this->fp_handle, 4096);

            if($atStart) {
             $atStart = false;
             if (!preg_match('/HTTP\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
            if ($atHeader) {
                if (trim($line) == '') {
                    $atHeader = false;
                if (!preg_match('/([^:]+):\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
                $key = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
                $val = trim($m[2]);
                if (isset($headers[$key])) {
                    if (is_array($headers[$key])) {
                        $headers[$key][] = $val;
                    } else {
                        $headers[$key] = array($headers[$key], $val);
                } else {
                    $headers[$key] = $val;
            $content .= $line;

        foreach ($headers as $name=>$header)
            switch (true) {
             case strpos($name, 'location') !== false :
              if(preg_match('@time\s*=\s*([0-9]+)@i', $header, $m)) {
               $this->time = $m[1];
              if(preg_match('@hash\s*=\s*([a-z0-9]+)@i', $header, $m)) {
               $this->hash = $m[1];
             case strpos($name, 'set-cookie') !== false :
              if(is_array($header)) $header = implode(';', $header);
        $this->_cookie = $header;
     @fclose ($this->fp_handle);

     $this->username = $username;

     return $this->_cookie;

    * Function for send message to fav. yahoo account
    * to: String Yahoo account
    * message: String Your message
    * @access public
    function sendMessage($to, $message)
     $message = urlencode($message);

     $message = preg_replace( '!<br.*>!iU', "\n", $message );

     $hash = isset($this->hash) ? $this->hash : '';
     $time = isset($this->time) ? $this->time : time();

     $content = "e_hash=$hash&e_action=send_message&e_user=$to&e_message=$message&e_format=FN%3DVerdana%3B%20EF%3D%3B%20CO%3D000000%3B%20CS%3D0%3B%20PF%3D00%3B%20RL%3D0&e_network=YAHOO&_=";

     //$this->_createConnection('POST', '/dispatch', "http://".$this-&gt;serverHost."/vo074922/main.jsp?hash=$hash&amp;u=$this-&gt;username&amp;network=YAHOO&amp;time=$time", $this->_cookie, $content, false);

     $this->_createConnection('POST', '/dispatch', "http://".$this-&gt;serverHost."/vo7.3.11/main.html?hash=$hash&amp;u=$this-&gt;username&amp;network=YAHOO&amp;time=$time", $this->_cookie, $content, false);

    * Function for get unread  message from yahoo account
    *@return : Array From:Message
    * @access public
    function getMessage()
     $content = "e_format=short&e_action=poll&e_time=0&e_timeout=10000&e_max=100&_=";

     $hash = isset($this->hash) ? $this->hash : '';
     $time = isset($this->time) ? $this->time : time();

     //$this->_createConnection('POST', '/dispatch', "http://".$this-&gt;serverHost."/vo074922/main.jsp?hash=$hash&amp;u=$this-&gt;username&amp;network=YAHOO&amp;time=$time", null, $content, false);

     $this->_createConnection('POST', '/dispatch', "http://".$this-&gt;serverHost."/vo7.3.11/main.html?hash=$hash&amp;u=$this-&gt;username&amp;network=YAHOO&amp;time=$time", null, $content, false);

     $reciveMessage = array();

     $atStart = true;
        $atHeader= true;
     while (!feof($this->fp_handle)) {
            $line = fgets($this->fp_handle, 4096);

            if($atStart) {
             $atStart = false;
             if (!preg_match('/HTTP\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
            if ($atHeader) {
                if (trim($line) == '') {
                    $atHeader = false;
                if (!preg_match('/([^:]+):\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
            if(strpos($line, 'from') !== false) {
             $from = null; $message = null;
             if(preg_match('@from\s*=\s*([^;]*);?@i', $line, $m)) {
              $from = $m[1];
             if(preg_match('@msg\s*=\s*([^;]*);?@i', $line, $m)) {
              $message = $m[1];
             if(!empty($message)) {
              $reciveMessage[ ] = array($from, $message);
        return $reciveMessage;

    * Function for create connection
    * method: String Request method
    * file: String Request file
    * referer: String Referer
    * cookie: String cookie for send by request
    * content: String data content to post to server
    * close: Boolean False for keep connection handle and not close it
    * @access public
    function _createConnection($method = 'GET', $file = '/', $referer = null,
           $cookie = null, $content = null, $close = true)
     $this->fp_handle = @fsockopen ($this->serverHost, 80, $errno, $errstr, 100);
     if(!$this->fp_handle) {
      exit("can not connect to $this->serverHost");

     $method = strtoupper($method);
     if(!in_array($method, array('GET', 'POST')) || is_null($content)) {
      $method = 'GET';

     if(is_null($referer)) {
      $referer = $this->serverHost;

     if(is_null($cookie)) {
      $cookie = $this->_cookie;

     $data = "$method $file HTTP/1.1\n";
     $data.= "Accept: */*\n";
     $data.= "Accept-Language: fa\n";
     $data.= "Referer: $referer/\n";
     $data.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8\n";
     $data.= "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\n";
     $data.= "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Avant Browser []; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)\n";
     $data.= "Host: $this->serverHost\n";
     $data.= "Connection: Keep-Alive\n";
     $data.= "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
     $data.= "Cookie: $cookie\n";

     if($method == 'POST') {
      $length = strlen($content);
      $data.= "Content-Length: $length\n\n";
      $data.= $content;
     } else {
      $data.= "\n";

     @fputs ($this->fp_handle, $data);
     if($close) @fclose($this->fp_handle);


may be you forget var $password = '', var $to = '', i'm not sure 'cos i not expert in php...