




From a service i get a xml-file. Now I want to get one of those element out of the file.

I think I should go into some xpath - any good starter reference ?

+2  A: 

Not VB specific, but try: http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/default.asp


You may start with reading MSDN article with some examples This W3Schools manual is also quite good

Ilya Kochetov

One way would be to only extract the needed informations with an xslt file into a new xml and use this new xml as data basis for further processing

+1  A: 

I've just been recovering my XPath skills- this Xslt and XPath Quick Reference sheet is quite a useful reference - it doesn't go into depth but it does list what is available and what you might want to search for more information on.

The w3schools tutorial linked previously isn't that great - it takes a long time to not cover a lot of ground - but it is still worth reading.


If I need to do some XPath, I just tweak one of these examples.

  • child::node() selects all the children of the context node, whatever their node type
  • attribute::name selects the name attribute of the context node
  • attribute::* selects all the attributes of the context node
  • descendant::para selects the para element descendants of the context node
  • ancestor::div selects all div ancestors of the context node
  • ancestor-or-self::div selects the div ancestors of the context node and, if the context node is a div element, the context node as well
  • descendant-or-self::para selects the para element descendants of the context node and, if the context node is a para element, the context node as well
  • self::para selects the context node if it is a para element, and otherwise selects nothing
  • child::chapter/descendant::para selects the para element descendants of the chapter element children of the context node
  • child::*/child::para selects all para grandchildren of the context node
  • / selects the document root (which is always the parent of the document element)
  • /descendant::para selects all the para elements in the same document as the context node
  • /descendant::olist/child::item selects all the item elements that have an olist parent and that are in the same document as the context node
  • child::para[position()=1] selects the first para child of the context node
  • child::para[position()=last()] selects the last para child of the context node
  • child::para[position()=last()-1] selects the last but one para child of the context node
  • child::para[position()>1] selects all the para children of the context node other than the first para child of the context node
  • following-sibling::chapter[position()=1] selects the next chapter sibling of the context node
  • preceding-sibling::chapter[position()=1] selects the previous chapter sibling of the context node
  • /descendant::figure[position()=42] selects the forty-second figure element in the document
  • /child::doc/child::chapter[position()=5]/child::section[position()=2] selects the second section of the fifth chapter of the doc document element
  • child::para[attribute::type="warning"] selects all para children of the context node that have a type attribute with value warning
  • child::para[attribute::type='warning'][position()=5] selects the fifth para child of the context node that has a type attribute with value warning
  • child::para[position()=5][attribute::type="warning"] selects the fifth para child of the context node if that child has a type attribute with value warning
  • child::chapter[child::title='Introduction'] selects the chapter children of the context node that have one or more title children with string-value equal to Introduction
  • child::chapter[child::title] selects the chapter children of the context node that have one or more title children
  • child::*[self::chapter or self::appendix] selects the chapter and appendix children of the context node
  • child::*[self::chapter or self::appendix][position()=last()] selects the last chapter or appendix child of the context node

An in depth documentation can be found here. Also these example are taken from there.
