Hello, thanks for any assistance.
I'm creating a wcf web service for an external client. The client is requesting a copy of the wsdl. I currently am waiting on being able to provide the client with access to the service.
when I go to my local webserver running the service (http://localhost/Services.svc?wsdl) I am shown the wsdl, the data provided contains the method signatures (from the .svc code behind), but does not contain the included model objects (Customer, Order, ext).
To get those objects, I can find the references in the shown data and go to the url
For me to provide all needed information to the client, so that they have the entire wsdl should I provide the main schema and also each of the imported schemas?
or is there any other way of accomplishing this (other then the client hitting a server)
ie: is there a way of packaging all of them within one file?
(Seems like something would be available to extract each of those files?)
If I were to give a .zip with each of the files, would that be enough?
Thanks, Steven