



Actually wat I need is: I have submitted some data in database from a html form. Then I have to load one column of that data in select tag of another form. I have done this but problem is that how will I increase the number of options as the number of records are increased.

Code is as follows

<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>  
<%@ page import="java.lang.*"%> 

    ArrayList al;
    Object o[];
    String s[] = new String[10];

<jsp:useBean id="c" class="com.ebbeans.ViewBean"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="c" property="*"/>

    al = c.loadExistingEmpCode();
    o = al.toArray();

    for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
        s[i] = (String) o[i];


        <select name="empCode" size="1" id="empCode">
            <option value="<%= s[0] %>" selected><%= s[0] %></option>
            <option value="<%= s[1] %>"><%= s[1] %></option>
            <option value="<%= s[2] %>"><%= s[2] %></option>
            <option value="<%= s[3] %>"><%= s[3] %></option>
            <option value="<%= s[4] %>"><%= s[4] %></option>

Here only 5 options will be shown. How would I increase the number of options dynamically when the records are incresed?


I am a c# coder, but I believe you want something like this:

    <%@ page import="java.util."%>
    <%@ page import="java.lang."%> 
    <%! ArrayList al = c.loadExistingEmpCode(); 

       for(int i=0; i < ai.Count; i++)


     <option><%= ai[0].toString() %></option>

   <% } %>
Chad Grant

To start off, do not use scriptlets in JSP. They are replaced by taglibs and EL since a decade. A commonly used taglib is JSTL which provides the <c:forEach> tag for exact this purpose. With EL you can seamlessly access back end data in JSP pages.

Here's an examlpe how your code is best to be replaced with.


public class Employee {
    private Long code;
    private String name;
    // +getters +setters


protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    List<Employee> employees = employeeDAO.list();
    request.setAttribute("employees", employees);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("employees.jsp").forward(request, response);


<select name="employee">
    <c:forEach items="${employees}" var="employee">
        <option value="${employee.code}">${}</option>

Map the EmployeeServlet on url-pattern of /employees/* and invoke it by Good luck and keep your JSP scriptletfree :)
