I've been desperately searching for a Javascript MVC framework to create rich client side applications with a Rails backend and I come across junction framework. It highly appeals to me due to its similarity with rails and offline capabilities. but unfortunately it has not been actively maintained for a long time.
I just wanted to know if the project still alive or I should look where else for a viable solution.
I know about sproutecore and cappuccino and I'm taking a close eye on them and their development process. But I'm really reluctant to learn something like a new language for this manner. In fact cappuccino using objectiveJ which is literally a new language running inside javascript.
IMHO, the killer framework would be something similar to Rails in structure, (as rails has already proved itself as a de facto structure for frameworks and has been ported to a lot of other frameworks) and uses jQuery to work with the dom and perform ajax calls. I still couldn't find it.