So what are the reasons to choose classical OOP style inheritance over prototypal inheritance?
Actually, I believe that some frameworks are "sort of" combining approaches. Take for example the Parasitic Combination Inheritance pattern. This is what YAHOO.lang.extend is doing.
It uses prototypal inheritance and a helper function to inherit prototypes and constructor stealing. Wow, that sounds complex...well yes it is - here's my implementation and test for example:
// Prototypal Inheritance
Object.prototype.inherit = function(p) {
NewObj = function(){};
NewObj.prototype = p;
return new NewObj();
// Paraphrasing of Nicholas Zakas's Prototype Inheritance helper
function inheritPrototype(subType, superType) {
var prototype = Object.inherit(superType.prototype);
prototype.constructor = subType;
subType.prototype = prototype;
function SubType(name, age) {, name);
this.age = age;
inheritPrototype(SubType, Parent);
SubType.prototype.getAge = function() {
return this.age;
I have a test for this code:
describe 'Parisitic Combination Inheritance'
it 'should use inheritPrototype (to call parent constructor once) and still work as expected'
sub = new SubType("Nicholas Zakas", 29)
sub.toString().should.match /.*Nicholas Zakas/
sub.getAge().should.eql 29
charlie = new SubType("Charlie Brown", 69)
sub.should.be_an_instance_of SubType
charlie.should.be_an_instance_of SubType
(sub instanceof SubType).should.eql true
(sub instanceof Parent).should.eql true
And of course, if you're paying attention to my literals you see: Nicholas Zakas, the guy I got this from ;) The big wins for this one: instanceof works (big deal some say and I kind of agree); instances don't share state on reference types like arrays (a biggie!); parent constructor only called once (a biggie!).
BTW, I have examples of most of the popular inheritance patterns here: My TDD JS Examples