I was wondering if there are any small BSD or unix releases. The smallest Linux release I've seen that looked good is partedmagic (around 70MB). Free BSD needs like 4 CDs, maybe more.
Small Distros
- Tomsrtbt ~1.7M
- Tiny Core Linux 10mb
- miniBSD 80mb
- Jailbait (Linux) 16mb
- ByzanineOS (Linux) 32mb
- Puppy Linux 94mb
- Damn Small Linux 50mb
- Damn Small BSD 50mb
- BerliOS (Linux) 180mb
- Hacao (Linux) 70mb
Single CD BSD Distros
Yes, there are. Google is your friend.
Example (#1 on google 'bsd small'):
http://code.google.com/p/evoke/ 70MB FreeBSD live environment.
There are plenty more.
There are a few good tiny linux distros. How small are you looking for?
The first two that spring to mind are Damn Small Linux (DSL) and Puppy Linux.
DSL is <60MB and Puppy is less than 100 MB
Check out Distrowatch for a very comprehensive and handy list :)
Here's a small linux distribution that fits in 50Mb.
You bet.
- DSL ("Damn small linux")
- MINIX (certainly in the UNIX family and some nice modern features)
- there are a number of small to very small Solaris versions
To say that FreeBSD requires 4 CDs is a little silly. You can use the network installation CD "boot-only" to do an install of any scale for desktops or servers. It's under 50MB. Then, it only has to download the appropriate packages that you need. If you want something a little more custom and one of the requirements is that it be installed without a network connection, I don't think any of the small distributions previously recommended in this thread will be able to offer enough software packages to make it any more viable than a network install of FreeBSD.