




I was wondering if there are any small BSD or unix releases. The smallest Linux release I've seen that looked good is partedmagic (around 70MB). Free BSD needs like 4 CDs, maybe more.

+19  A: 

Small Distros

Single CD BSD Distros

+1 for up to now being the only one that understood OPs question.
+1  A: 

Yes, there are. Google is your friend.

Example (#1 on google 'bsd small'):

http://code.google.com/p/evoke/ 70MB FreeBSD live environment.

There are plenty more.

+3  A: 

There are a few good tiny linux distros. How small are you looking for?

The first two that spring to mind are Damn Small Linux (DSL) and Puppy Linux.

DSL is <60MB and Puppy is less than 100 MB

Check out Distrowatch for a very comprehensive and handy list :)

I believe DSL is actually <50MB, but 50MB is less than 60MB, so you're technically correct.
Chris Lutz
The best kind of correct!I was just playing with DSL-embedded (for USB keys) yesterday and with qemu etc. it winds up exceeding 50 MB. The standard iso is 49.9 MB though ;)
+1 for DistroWatch, but DSL and Puppy are not BSD or Unix.. So +0
True enough :S I interpreted the question as "do you, members of SO, know of any small unix/unix-like distributions?"
+1  A: 

Here's a small linux distribution that fits in 50Mb.

Steve Lazaridis
+1 You beat both me and Chas to the punch.
Chris Lutz
+1  A: 

Damn Small Linux and Puppy Linux

+2  A: 

You bet.

  • DSL ("Damn small linux")
  • MINIX (certainly in the UNIX family and some nice modern features)
  • there are a number of small to very small Solaris versions
Charlie Martin
+4  A: 

PicoBSD is a floppy based tiny BSD.

+1  A: 

To say that FreeBSD requires 4 CDs is a little silly. You can use the network installation CD "boot-only" to do an install of any scale for desktops or servers. It's under 50MB. Then, it only has to download the appropriate packages that you need. If you want something a little more custom and one of the requirements is that it be installed without a network connection, I don't think any of the small distributions previously recommended in this thread will be able to offer enough software packages to make it any more viable than a network install of FreeBSD.

Nolte Burke
Linux provides everything that was in the old UNIX certification tests.
Charlie Martin
Not to mention that the question mentions the smallest Linux distro he liked. Really, who thinks Linux isn't satisfactorily in the Unix tradition, and why not? (To be technical, only a few OSs can legally call themselves Unix, and I don't know that any of the free BSD distros can. The most widely used thing that's officially Unix is Mac OSX.)
David Thornley
+1  A: 

First question - what are you going to use to system for? Most modern distribution are meant for desktop usage, if that's not your target then you can surely save tons of space if you choose a mini-disto.

+2  A: 

tomsrtbt ~1.7M; fits on a 1.44M diskette.

+1  A: 