Hi, I have a simple select from a typed dataset:
var productlist = from prds in dsProducts.sk_products.AsEnumerable()
join prdcat in dsProducts.sk_productscategories.AsEnumerable() on prds.Field<int>("productid") equals prdcat.Field<int>("productid") where prdcat.Field<int>("categoryid") == categoryid
select prds;
Where productlist is set of records from the Dataset's sk_products datatable. I'd like to write a function to filter the records more, with a distinct on one of it's columns:
public List<string, string> GetDistinctManufacturerList(? productlist, int manufacturerid)
manufacturers = from prdz in productlist where prdz.Field<int>("manufacturerid") == manufacturerid select prdz; [...]
With what type of object should I refer to the variable productlist?