I'm working on a web backup service part of which allows the user to download a zip file containing the files they have selected from a list of what they have backed up.
The zipping process is done via a shell_exec command. For this to work I have given the apache user no-password sudo privileges to the zip command.
My problem is, since I can't do "sudo cd /path/to/user/files" to the folder containing the user's backed up files I need to specify the full absolute path to the files to be zipped which then go into the zip file which I don't want.
Here's what I mean:
The user, 'test1' has their files backed up which are stored as follows
/home/backups/test1/my pics/pic1.jpg
/home/backups/test1/my pics/pic2.jpg
/home/backups/test1/my pics/pic3.jpg
When these files are zipped up they keep the full paths but I just want it to show:
my pics/pic1.jpg
my pics/pic2.jpg
my pics/pic3.jpg
Is there some way to tell zip to truncate the paths, or specify a custom path for each file?
Or is there some way I can change the working directory to the user's root backup folder so I can simply specify relative file paths.
Thanks for reading, hope you got this far and it all makes sense!