PHP 5 came out back in 2004. PHP 5.2 hit the net in late 2006. Since then, there's been nothing but incremental bug releases and beta releases of PHP 5.3. It's been two and half years since then, and even though PHP 5.3 does contain some new interesting features they're not that revolutionary.
I've used PHP for seven years now, but lately it's been starting to feel like there's something seriously wrong with the community. With the community, I'm not exactly referring to the PHP community at large (we've seen a lot of progress in framework development the last few years), but rather the in comparison small group that does all the actual development. I'm referring to what is usually called by the newsgroup name php.internals.
Personally I've never been an active contributor to this group, but I used to read it rather carefully a while back, and my impression is that there's a lot of internal conflict and friction, which is holding back progress. Many ideas and suggestions are struck down without serious consideration because someone with a lot of "karma" disliked it, and when an agreement is reached it seems to be compromises that nobody really likes. A great example of this is the choice of namespace separator: "\", a choice that everyone seems to dislike.
Is it just me, or is conflict and tension destroying PHP from the inside? Does PHP have the kind of management problem, that I understand is common among open source projects? How do you deal with these kinds of problems?