I have alot of experience writing internal Intranet applications, but very little when it comes to writing public facing web applications where it is likely that a certain percentage of people will try and be malicious.
The app is written with MVC.net, JQuery and Subsonic.
What steps can I take to project my application, to make it reasonably projected?
Iv done some things already:
- Form validation on the server and client side
- Enforcing password complexity
- Check in controller Actions that current user is ok to do the operation.
Have been quite paranoid about people looking at the html source of my forms and seeing what the form is posting, and using this to manually creat a form post with different values to do operations they shouldn't. Is this paranoia well founded do I need to do this on Actions attributed with the HttpVerb GET and POST or just GET?
Do I need to be worred about SQL injection with ORMs?