




In my site we have only one default.aspx page and we renders each htm pages into default.aspx. now we have added google anlytics code into each htm pages but google analytics report only shows one page default.aspx in tracking. anyone can help on this how we can track for each page?

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Sagar


To be more precise, Google Analytics tracking code is a pure JavaScript application. It measures page views by calling the _trackPageview function of the tracker object. Since very likely you embedded the tracking code in your static template (which is absolutely good), the _trackPageview only gets invoked on the document load. Though if your application deals with AJAX calls, you have to take care of reporting that virtual page views back to Analytics as Deviant already pointed out.

Török Gábor

Hi Török Gábor,

Thanks a lot. i can find some tracks of my site but not exactly. Should i give virtual page name while configure google anaytics code ? currently i have given actual page name while configure google analytics code. Thanks again.