I am building a rails site and am having trouble with the associations. Basically I have the following:
class Publication < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
has_one :site, :through => :category
named_scope :on_site, lambda {|s| {:include => [:site], :conditions => ['sites.slug != ?', 's']}}
class Category
belongs_to :site
has_many :publications
class Site
has_many :categories
has_many :publications, :through => :categories, :foreign_key => 'category_id'
produces the first publication's site, site.first.publications
does as well.
The trouble is with the on_site
named scope, which produces the following error with something like Publication.on_site('s')
Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'categories.category_id' in 'on clause': SELECT
`publications`.`id` AS t0_r0, `publications`.`shoot_id` AS t0_r1,
`publications`.`category_id` AS t0_r2, `publications`.`title` AS t0_r3,
`publications`.`slug` AS t0_r4, `publications`.`publish_on` AS t0_r5,
`publications`.`created_at` AS t0_r6, `publications`.`updated_at` AS t0_r7,
`publications`.`description` AS t0_r8, `publications`.`media_base_path` AS t0_r9,
`sites`.`id` AS t1_r0, `sites`.`name` AS t1_r1, `sites`.`created_at` AS t1_r2,
`sites`.`updated_at` AS t1_r3, `sites`.`slug` AS t1_r4, `sites`.`description` AS t1_r5,
`sites`.`dhd_merch_id` AS t1_r6, `sites`.`members_area_url` AS t1_r7 FROM `publications`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `categories` ON (`publications`.`id` = `categories`.`category_id`)
LEFT OUTER JOIN `sites` ON (`sites`.`id` = `categories`.`site_id`) WHERE (sites.slug != 's')
I need that join to be publications.category_id = categories.id, any idea on what I've got wrong?