




I have a JFrame and I open a JDialog from it and another JDialog from that dialog - which menas i have 3 windows visible (JFrame, JDialog1, Jdialog2).

When I close both dialogs and run a garbage collectior few times (from netbeans profiler) I can see that JDialog2 (the one opened from JDialog1) is garbage collected but JDialog1 (opened from JFrame) is still hanging in live objects pool.

I create new objects every time - so after some time I have an OutOfMemoryError doue to memory leak.

Do I have to treat JDialogs in som special way so they don't leak ?

by the way i do setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) on both dialogs,

+3  A: 

What is your default close operation? From the java JDialog api:

The value is set to HIDE_ON_CLOSE by default.

What this means is basically that setVisible(false) or a near equivalent of that is called when a user clicks close. The behavior you observe is consistent with that.


David Berger

In order to release allocated resources you have to call the dispose method. Simply hiding the dialog is not enough.

+8  A: 

Have you unregistered all of your listeners on the dialog (including any of it's components)?

Leaving listeners registered can be a major source of memory leaks.
