



The following code gives a NullReferenceException since XPathSelectElement can't navigate through the XPath expression I've given:

String description = (String)node.XPathSelectElement("//car").Attribute("description");

I've debugged this and verified that the node is being read correctly, and that the elements in my XPath are capitalized the same way that they are in my XML file. I know for a fact that there is a "car" element with an attribute called "description". How come this isn't working? Does it have something to do with needing a LocalName version of the XPath?

+1  A: 

If your XML document makes use of namespaces, that might be the issue. If //car is in another namespace than the default, XPathSelectElement will not be able to find the node. (You will have to prefix with the correct namespace)


Even once you fix what is probably a namespace problem, you must still check to make sure that you found a car before you go looking for attributes.

John Saunders

Vivek, can you post the xml?
