I am creating a very simple book review site and it needs the ability to allow the user to add little comments about a book. Now I have my two tables, one for the book and one for the comments and now need a way to transfer data between the two because i find the way rails handles things quite puzzling.
So my book model contains "has_many :comments" and me comment model has: "belongs_to :book"
the view i am using to both view and add comments is "/views/book/viewbook.html.erb"
this shows the book and all its details, at the bottom is a section where the user can add their own comments, it looks like this:
<%= form.text_field :title %>
<%= form.text_area :body %>
<%= submit_tag "Add Comment", :class => "submit" %>
now i know this cannot work because that above ":title" and ":body" would be in the book model but i need them to be send to the comment model because these are in the comment DB. How do i pass this data to the comment database. I've tried ":comment.title" and other various things but still cannot workout how to pass this data.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
(I apologize if this question is very stupid or has not been explained to well, my lecturer set this assignment and rails is not a language i have ever used.)