I also had to write this code as a custom template tag recently. To handle all look-up scenarios, it first does a standard attribute look-up, then tries to do a dictionary look-up, then tries a getitem lookup (for lists to work), then follows standard Django template behavior when an object is not found.
(updated 2009-08-26 to now handle list index lookups as well)
# app/templatetags/getattribute.py
import re
from django import template
from django.conf import settings
numeric_test = re.compile("^\d+$")
register = template.Library()
def getattribute(value, arg):
"""Gets an attribute of an object dynamically from a string name"""
if hasattr(value, str(arg)):
return getattr(value, arg)
elif hasattr(value, 'has_key') and value.has_key(arg):
return value[arg]
elif numeric_test.match(str(arg)) and len(value) > int(arg):
return value[int(arg)]
register.filter('getattribute', getattribute)
Template usage:
{% load getattribute %}
{{ object|getattribute:dynamic_string_var }}