I'm trying to spawn a Tk window from ruby script using ruby's Tk module. It works, but I cannot figure out a way to focus the spawned window. It's frustrating. If I run this code from terminal, as in $ruby screenup.rb the window spawns behind the terminal window. If I run as a shell script in Quicksilver, two windows spawn. One is titled as expected, and another is titled 'tk'. Neither of them have focus.
My problem may be more general, in that I basically don't understand how windows are specified in Tk.
TIA for help.
def get_file_name
require 'tk'
root = TkRoot.new() {
title "Enter the file name"
Tk.focus_to(@path, true)
filename = TkVariable.new
entry = TkEntry.new(root, 'textvariable' => filename) {
entry.pack("side"=>"left", "fill"=>"x", "padx"=>5)
save = TkButton.new(root) {
text "save"
pack("side"=>"right", "fill"=>"y")
command proc { root.destroy()}
root.bind("Return") { root.destroy() }
return filename.value