I have an Access 2000 report based on a query like this
FROM Clients AS wc INNER JOIN ...
WHERE ((wo.OfferStatusID)=3) AND
((DatePart("ww",[wo.StatusTimeStamp]))=DatePart("ww",[Enter Week End Date]))
AND ((Year([wo.StatusTimeStamp]))=Year(Date())));
The where clause allows you to enter the 'Week End Date' and it finds all of the records for the Sunday-Saturday week that contains the end date.
My problem is I need to include the Saturday end date on the report so that the header reads '... for week ending 5/9/09' and I can't figure out how to get that date without the query asking me for it a second time.
Is there a way to force Access to return the parameter entered as another field in the results, or another way to get that week ending date?