I have a loooooooooooong SELECT ending with a ORDER BY that can include the following values :
- checked (1 or 0)
- date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- time (HH:MM:SS)
I'd like to order the result of the query the following way :
|__checked = 0
| |__ date ASC
| |__ time ASC
| |__ date && time are null
|__checked = 1
|__ date ASC
|__ time ASC
|__ date && time are null
For now, I got something simple like "ORDER BY i1.checked, date, time" but the trouble is with this the items with empty date and times stay on the top.
Here is the whole query if you ever think you need all the data to find a proper solution. Don't scream.
SELECT i1._id AS _id, i1.title AS title, i1.checked AS checked,
// count the children (-1 is because the closure table include a relation between any item and itself)
(count( c1.item_id ) - 1) AS children_count,
// count the unchecked children
FROM item AS i2 JOIN closure AS c2 ON (i2._id = c2.item_id)
WHERE c2.ancestor_id = i1._id
AND i2.checked = 0
AND c2.item_id NOT IN (0, i1._id)) AS unchecked_children_count,
// get the closest deadlines among the children :
// if there is a date but no time, time is set to 00:00:00
// if there is a time but not date, date is set to today
// if there is no date nor time, both are set to an empty string
// date
ifnull(nullif((SELECT ifnull(nullif(i3.date, ""), date()) AS subdate
FROM item AS i3 JOIN closure AS c3 ON (i3._id = c3.item_id)
WHERE c3.ancestor_id = i1._id
AND (i3.date OR i3.time)
ORDER By subdate, ifnull(nullif(i3.time, ""), "00:00:00")
LIMIT 1), ""), "") AS date,
// time
ifnull(nullif((SELECT ifnull(nullif(i4.time, ""), "00:00:00") AS subtime
FROM item AS i4 JOIN closure AS c4 ON (i4._id = c4.item_id)
WHERE c4.ancestor_id = i1._id
AND (i4.date OR i4.time)
ORDER By ifnull(nullif(i4.date, ""), date()), subtime
LIMIT 1), ""), "") AS time
FROM item AS i1 JOIN closure AS c1 ON ( i1._id = c1.ancestor_id )
WHERE i1.parent_id = 0
AND c1.item_id != 0
GROUP BY c1.ancestor_id
ORDER BY i1.checked, date, time
The items are organised in a tree with a parent_id and a closure table.