




I am trying to maximize JFrame from within JMenuBar, I can not pass a reference to the frame. Is it possible to get a reference to the frame that it is used in?

i can get to the top level component but it does not have a way to maximize and minimize frame.

    public Container getApplicationFrame(ActionEvent event){
         JMenuItem menuItem = (JMenuItem) event.getSource();  
         JPopupMenu popupMenu = (JPopupMenu) menuItem.getParent();  
         Component invoker = popupMenu.getInvoker(); 
         JComponent invokerAsJComponent = (JComponent) invoker;  
         Container topLevel = invokerAsJComponent.getTopLevelAncestor();  
         return topLevel;

Surely you can stash the frame in question in a local variable somewhere?

As for actually maximizing the Frame once you've got ahold of it, Frame.setExtendedState(MAXIMIZED_BOTH) is probably what you want. Javadoc

While not as elegant as it could be, quick path to ground on your existing code:

public Frame getApplicationFrame(ActionEvent event){
         if(event.getSource() == null) return null;

         Window topLevel = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(event.getSource());

         if(!(topLevel instanceof Frame)) return null;

         return (Frame)topLevel;

//Somewhere in your code
Frame appFrame = getApplicationFrame(myEvent);
appFrame.setExtendedState(appFrame.getExtendedState() | Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);

Minimum Java version 1.4.2. Be forwarned I have not tested the above code, but you should get the idea.

Kevin Montrose

The class that creates the frame and the menubar can also act as the ActionListener for the menu item, since it has access both the frame and the menubar.

+4  A: 

You can get the Window that contains the JPanel via

Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(popupMenu);

You can then either maximise it using window.setSize() -- or, since you seem to know that it's a JFrame, cast it to Frame and use the setExtendedState method that Kevin mentions. Example code from the Java Developers' Almanac for that:

// This method minimizes a frame; the iconified bit is not affected
public void maximize(Frame frame) {
    int state = frame.getExtendedState();

    // Set the maximized bits
    state |= Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH;

    // Maximize the frame