how can i change the default filter choice from 'ALL'.I have a field named as 'status' which has three values :- 'activate','pending','rejected'.when i use list_filter in django_admin ,the filter is by default set to 'All' but i want to set it to pending by default.
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
if not request.GET.has_key('decommissioned__exact'):
q = request.GET.copy()
q['decommissioned__exact'] = 'N'
request.GET = q
request.META['QUERY_STRING'] = request.GET.urlencode()
return super(MyModelAdmin,self).changelist_view(request, extra_context=extra_context)
Note that if instead of pre-selecting a filter value you want to always pre-filter the data before showing it in the admin, you should override the ModelAdmin.queryset()
method instead.
I know that is not the best solution, but i changed the index.html in the admin template, line 25 and 37 like this:
25: <th scope="row"><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}{% ifequal "yourmodelname" %}?yourflag_flag__exact=1{% endifequal %}">{{ }}</a></th>
37: <td><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}{% ifequal "yourmodelname" %}?yourflag__exact=1{% endifequal %}" class="changelink">{% trans 'Change' %}</a></td>
Hi all
I have a followup question: How can I get a QuerySet instance from the ModelAdmin with filters set as defined by the query string. For instance, ?start_date_gte=2009-11-06
The queryset() method does not seem to use these filters.
Took ha22109's answer above and modified to allow the selection of "All" by comparing HTTP_REFERER
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
test = request.META['HTTP_REFERER'].split(request.META['PATH_INFO'])
if test[-1] and not test[-1].startswith('?'):
if not request.GET.has_key('decommissioned__exact'):
q = request.GET.copy()
q['decommissioned__exact'] = 'N'
request.GET = q
request.META['QUERY_STRING'] = request.GET.urlencode()
return super(MyModelAdmin,self).changelist_view(request, extra_context=extra_context)